LEGION Model Builder Help

To complete FDS Outputs

  1. To set up a slice file, click the Add button.

    The ‘Add/Edit slice file’ dialog box is displayed:

  2. Enter the following information:
    1. Enter the relevant Quantity from the drop-down list.
    2. Enter the Frequency (seconds).
    3. Enter the Height (metres).
    4. Click OK on the ‘Add/Edit slice file’ dialog box.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for any additional slice files you wish to add.
  4. If you want to generate Plot 3D files, check the box labelled Generate.
  5. Enter a Frequency (seconds).
  6. Select values from the drop-down lists for each of the five boxes Quantity 1 to Quantity 5, which contain different components of fire-analyses.
  7. Click Next to move onto the ‘Other settings’ page of the wizard.
  8. Add Custom information if required.
  9. If you want to open the FDS file when the wizard is complete, check the box labelled Open file on completion. This will open a text file when you click Finish.
  10. Click Finish to close the wizard.